Psoriasis is one of the most misunderstood diseases. Neither the causes of this disease nor the means of its cure are known with certainty. It is believed that it is impossible to achieve a complete cure for psoriasis, so the main goal of therapy is to achieve long-term stable remission and to reduce the frequency of exacerbations. As this disease requires nutritional correction, lifestyle, systematic use of drugs and non-pharmacological agents, psoriasis is treated mainly at home.
Causes and signs of psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic pathology with a recurrent course. The disease can affect several organs and tissues, but the main manifestations of psoriasis are dermatological. Red lesions are shed on the skin, which tend to enlarge and join with each other. Its surface is covered with gray scales, which are easily scraped off, revealing bright moist spots with "bloody dew" points underneath.
The most common sites for psoriatic plaques are knees and elbows, scalp, behind the ears and lower back. The rash is most often accompanied by itching, tightness and discomfort in the affected areas.
The appearance of psoriasis is associated with stress, a recent infectious disease, allergies, endocrine pathologies, but, according to many experts, it is based on a genetic defect. Any of the above factors is just a "trigger" that triggers the body's abnormal response mechanism to external stimuli.
Due to the failure, the process of dividing the epidermal cells is interrupted. The rate of death and desquamation of surface cells increases 4-5 times compared to the normal cycle. As a result, scales that do not have time to exfoliate naturally form hard growths - plaques.
Rules for the treatment of psoriasis at home
The treatment of psoriasis includes two areas:
- symptomatic- removal of acute symptoms of the disease (external agents, antihistamines, physiotherapy);
- pathogenic:diet, body desensitization, cleansing measures, hormone therapy and so on.
In severe cases, treatment under stationary conditions is indicated, the use of serious hormonal drugs and basic therapy is possible. The rest of the time, the patient fights the disease on his own, choosing the most effective methods through trial and error.
Psoriasis is a disease that does not have a single solution for everyone. Medications suitable for one patient can aggravate the other. Here, more than ever, an individual approach is needed, but there are general principles that must be followed to successfully treat psoriasis at home:
- Listen to your body. No one except you can identify all the factors that trigger an exacerbation of psoriasis and find drugs that work well on your plaques.
- Self-treatment is advised under the supervision of a dermatologist. Do not give up on tests, procedures and medications prescribed by a specialist.
- With a mild form of psoriasis, good results can be obtained by eliminating the provoking factors and using non-medicated treatments, including folk remedies. If the manifestations of the disease are very pronounced and psoriasis progresses, "heavy artillery" in the form of hormones and cytostatics may be required, strictly according to the doctor's prescription.
- Consistency and regularity are important in the treatment of psoriasis. You cannot stop using effective remedies when the first results appear. Most drugs require a long course, first therapeutic, then - "fixing".
- It is important to maintain normal skin moisture, avoid scratches, trauma and inaccurate scab removal. The plates can only be cleaned after preliminary softening and only if it can be done effortlessly.
- Many treatments cannot be used during the acute phase. Heat stroke, climate change, spa procedures, some ointments should only be applied with the start of the stationary phase.
Psoriasis treatment: how to scrub the plaques?
The most popular and effective treatments for psoriasis on the skin are pharmaceutical ointments and creams. Many topical preparations have serious side effects and should be used with caution. This is especially true for hormonal ointments, but when it comes to non-hormonal ointments it is best to consult a doctor and strictly follow the recommendations for use.
Hormonal ointments
Hormonal agents in the treatment of psoriasis are indicated for persistent skin symptoms that are resistant to other therapeutic influences. The benefits of these drugs are quick-acting. The patient's condition is literally improving before our eyes, but this effect is deceiving. After the interruption of use, the plates not only return, but become more intense. Hormonal ointments are addictive and with prolonged use - damage to the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, thinning and atrophy of the skin. There is also a fear that hormone-based drugs "take" psoriasis into the body, and the disease will manifest itself more severely - psoriatic arthritis.
The effects of addiction and abstinence make hormonal ointments an undesirable treatment. If possible, it is recommended to avoid its use. If necessary, use for a short period of time, cancel gradually.
Today, several groups of drugs are prescribed in the treatment of psoriasis:
- Triamcinolone ointments.They have an antihistamine, antipruritic effect that relieves inflammation. They can cause local reactions, changes in the structure of the skin, atrophy.
- Products with the active substance flumetasone.Reduces itching, has an anti-exudative effect. It negatively affects the skin, over time it can cause systemic disorders.
- Hydrocortisone ointments.Reduces capillary permeability, relieves swelling of the affected foci, but with prolonged use there is a risk of systemic diseases.
- Preparations based on betamethasone.They have anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects. Suppresses the process of accelerated peeling of epithelial cells. Skin disorders and systemic problems are possible.
Non-steroid drugs
Non-hormonal ointments are the preferred treatment for psoriasis. They do not act as quickly and strongly as hormones, but their effect is more persistent and long lasting. Non-steroidal ointments can be used for a long time without fear of addiction and the development of negative consequences.
In psoriasis, drugs with different compositions and different effects are used, many of them combined with each other. The main groups of applied ointments:
- Salicylic.The acid in them softens the plaques and helps to cleanse the skin. Reduces inflammation, acts as an antiseptic. The remedies are usually prescribed to eliminate scales and then the affected area is treated with another remedy with medicinal ingredients.
- Zinc.Dry skin rashes, relieve inflammation and irritation of the skin, create a protective film that prevents negative effects on the affected areas from outside.
- Tar.Ointments with added birch, pine, coal tar have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. They stimulate blood circulation, improve the healing of damaged skin. To eliminate plaque, you can add pure tar when preparing your own remedies. Tar polishes can be poorly tolerated, so they begin to stain them in small areas in a test mode. With good tolerance, the dosage is increased. Tar increases the photosensitivity of the skin, which can cause allergies to the sun in the summer.
- Ointments fortified with D.The preparations based on calcipotriol proved to be good in the treatment of psoriasis. They suppress proliferation, reduce plaque and prevent it from reappearing. They do not cause atrophic processes. If there is an effect, they provide a stable remission. It is recommended to use it in conjunction with UV therapy, the combination with salicylic ointments is contraindicated.
- Ointments based on oil.Exfoliate the plaque, relieves itching and inflammation, but requires careful use. With increased sensitivity, it can lead to worsening of the skin manifestations of psoriasis, furunculosis. These funds are contraindicated in patients with anemia, kidney disease. Treatment with these drugs is carried out outside the exacerbation stage.
- Vitamin products.Vitamin ointments activate the skin's metabolic processes, restore tissue trophism, promote regeneration, eliminate flaking, and slow cell keratinization. Retinoids and preparations based on the set of vitamins E, A have such properties.
- Solid polishes.Effective agents with a pronounced anti-inflammatory, keratolytic and antipruritic effect. Penetrate deeply into the skin and normalize the metabolic processes in it. They are used for a long time, in the absence of allergies. These ointments cannot be combined with hormonal ointments and alcohol should be avoided during treatment.
Psoriasis: internal treatment
It is difficult to deal with the manifestations of psoriasis only with external agents. It is also necessary to act from the inside: desensitize, improve digestion.
- During an exacerbation, antihistamines help relieve itching by eliminating the influence of provoking factors. In addition to the antiallergic effect, the medications have a sedative effect.
- The body is detoxified with the help of sorbents.
- The use of enzymes is recommended to improve digestion.
- In psoriasis, liver support is important: hepatoprotectors take a course.
- "Psoriasis" needs to be calm. Stress is one of the factors that trigger psoriasis. The disease itself, in turn, can lead to neurological problems: nervousness, insomnia and so on. Herbal sedatives are recommended.
- NSAIDs can help relieve joint pain in psoriasis.
The appearance of an outbreak of infection in the body can cause an exacerbation of psoriasis. Acute infectious and inflammatory diseases should be treated with antibiotics, prescribed by the doctor.
How to treat scalp psoriasis at home: features
ICH psoriasis is the most problematic for patients. It is more difficult to treat than open skin, since the presence of hair requires a special approach to therapy and the use of special means.
The treatment of head psoriasis at home consists of the use of shampoos, drugs and traditional methods. Skin lesions can be mild, in the form of separate patches, or severe. In difficult cases, the head is covered by the so-called "crown" or "helmet" - a hard, itchy and scaly psoriatic crust, especially along the edge of hair growth on the forehead, behind the ears, on the neck.
Under no circumstances should you comb and "choose" dry scabs. They need to be smoothed with a special keratolytic shampoo, a cleansing mask and then gently remove loose scales from the skin.
Wash your hair for psoriasis as often as necessary. It is preferable to use special or neutral shampoos. The second group includes products for children and adults for sensitive skin. They are free of fragrances, dyes and other harmful ingredients.
Of medicated shampoos you can use:
- Tar.These products contain coal tar, which gives them a dark color and a specific odor. These shampoos are not well tolerated, so testing is necessary. Medicinal cosmetics are sold in pharmacies.
- Zinc.They contain zinc-pyrithione, which cleanses the scalp from dead scales and reduces its number, relieves itching. If allantoin, an emollient ingredient, is added to the shampoo, it helps to soothe dry skin and heal damage faster. Some remedies are designed to treat dandruff, but can be used for milder psoriasis.
- Antifungal.Ketoconazole shampoos reduce flaking and itching and destroy yeast infections on the scalp.
In psoriasis, it is advisable not to rinse the shampoo immediately, but to keep it for several minutes to several hours, so that the drug substances can penetrate more deeply. The head should be washed gently without scratching the skin. After rinsing the shampoo thoroughly, rinse with cold water acidified with vinegar. Avoid using a hair dryer.
Regular polishes are not suitable for lubricating the plate on the head. They are very oily, sticky hair and do not wash well. It is best to buy medicines in the form of a cream, lotion, emulsion or aerosol - many manufacturers produce their products in a form that is convenient for the treatment of ICH psoriasis.

The treatment of psoriasis on the head at home is carried out successfully with the help of folk remedies: masks and washes.
Popular recipes:
- to soften the peels, rub a mixture of oils: base (olive, burdock) and essentials (tea tree, rosemary, cypress) on your scalp, put on a hat and leave until morning;
- make a paste of white or red clay with the addition of oils, spread on the head during the night;
- rub fresh onion juice on the skin;
- rinse with a decoction of nettle, chamomile;
- mix grape, almond and coconut oil in a 1: 1: 2 ratio (in tablespoons), add 1 teaspoon. cognac and honey, a few drops of lavender oil, mix well in a water bath, apply on the head for 2 hours;
- Exfoliate your scalp with sea salt and essential oil (eucalyptus, tea tree) - rub and massage gently with your fingertips for 5 minutes, then wash your hair;
- prepare a mask: burdock oil, 2 egg yolks, marigold alcohol tincture, a few drops of tar and keep on your head for 2 to 3 hours.
Home treatment for nail psoriasis
When psoriasis affects the nails, they become brittle, wavy and change color. These nails must be protected from external influences:
- does his homework with gloves;
- abandon the elegant manicure;
- cutting short nails after dipping them in water;
- use a protective healing varnish.
The home treatment for nail psoriasis includes:
- Reception of vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen the nail plate, protect cell membranes from damage (vitamins C, E, calcium).
- Hormonal ointments are more effective for treating nails. When glucocorticosteroids are rubbed into the nail plate, they are practically not absorbed by the skin and do not enter the bloodstream, therefore, their use is safe for 2 to 4 weeks.
- To strengthen and moisturize nails, it is necessary to rub sea buckthorn oil (3 times a day) and vitamin A oil daily.
- For whitening and strengthening nails, hot baths with cornstarch or oatmeal, infusion of celandine, nettle and string are recommended.
Home remedies for psoriasis treatment

Herbal infusions are one of the most popular home treatments for psoriasis:
- Prepare 1 tbsp in a thermos overnight. I. flax seeds (per glass of water). Before sleeping, drink 2 tablets of activated carbon, take an infusion in the morning, eat the seeds. This recipe helps to detoxify the body, helping to decrease the intensity of the symptoms of the disease.
- A decoction of the collection: roots of elecampana (10 g. ), calamus (12 g. ), St. John's wort (15 g. ) and celandine (5 g. ). Prepare 300 ml of hot water in a thermos, leave for 3 hours. Filter, take 100 ml 2 times a day.
- 4th. I. boil the plow seeds in one liter of water over low heat for 60 minutes. Strain and drink every hour on a spoon with an exacerbation, 4 times a day - in remission.
- Birch mushroom (100 gr. ) Prepare with hot water overnight. In the morning, grind the chaga and pour the rest of the water heated to 50 degrees, leave for three days. Filter, take 100 ml before each meal.
Effectively cleanses skin plaques, relieves itching and soothes baths:
- with sage, string, celandine, St. John's wort;
- with sea salt;
- with blue clay;
- with baking soda
- with potato starch;
- with turpentine.
Before showering, take a shower, then pour the water at a comfortable temperature (not hot), dilute the medicinal composition. Bath time - 15 - 20 minutes, of course - every other day.
To lubricate the plates, you can use fresh celandine juice or prepare an ointment: mix dry ground grass with petroleum jelly or baby cream.
A proven butter cream (5 parts) with propolis (1 part). Place in a water bath, mix well and let cool. Lubricate the plate with hydrogen peroxide before use.
Diet for psoriasis
Psoriasis is often associated with food allergies. Many patients know exactly which foods are causing them to deteriorate. Others believe that nutrition does not significantly affect their condition. In any case, it is recommended to maintain a diet, at least during an exacerbation:

- excludes cocoa, chocolate;
- refuse coffee;
- don't eat spicy food;
- avoid preservatives and other additives;
- limit citrus fruits, vegetables and berries;
- completely prohibited alcohol (especially beer).
Outside the exacerbation, the diet can be expanded with "harmful" products, but at the same time carefully monitor the skin's reaction.
Through diet, healthy lifestyle and home remedies for psoriasis, long-term remission can be achieved. But if folk remedies obviously don't help, you must "surrender" to the dermatologist and not give up on the procedures and medications he offers. After relieving exacerbation with the help of the official medication at home, it will be easier to get involved in anti-relapse prevention.